Cell Phone Court Cases, Tumours, Acoustic Neuroma, Italy

As for Italy, there have now been 3 court decisions:
2 recent court decisons in 2017 giving compensation for acoustic neuroma (0ne in Turin and one in Florence) The first one was in 2012, awarding for a neuroma of a nearby nerve (but not acoustic).

The first case in 2012 was filed by Marcolini in Brescia. http://microwavenews.com/news-center/italian-supreme-court-affirms-tumor-risk
Italian Supreme Court Affirms Tumor Risk from Long-Term Use of a Cell Phone. The Supreme Court of Italy has affirmed a ruling granting worker’s compensation to a businessman who developed a tumor after using a cell phone for 12 years. This is the first time that a high court —in any country— has ruled in favor a link between mobile phone radiation and tumor development.
Innocente Marcolini, a financial manager at an industrial plant in Brescia in northern Italy, used cell and cordless phones for five-to-six hours a day for 12 years. Then one morning ten years ago, Marcolini, who was 50 years old at the time, sensed an unusual tingling in his chin while shaving. He was soon diagnosed as having a benign tumor on the trigeminal nerve, which controls facial muscles and sensations.
Marcolini filed for workers’ compensation alleging that his wireless phones were responsible for the tumor. At first, his claim was rejected. But, in December 2009, the Court of Appeals in Brescia reversed that decision and now, on October 12, Italy’s Supreme Court affirmed the Appeals Court’s ruling. No further appeals are possible.
“Marcolini wants people to know about the health risks associated with cell phone radiation,” Riccardo Staglianó told Microwave News. Staglianó, a reporter for La Repubblica, a major national daily newspaper, chronicled Marcolini’s story in his book on cell phone risks, Toglietevelo Dalla Testa, published earlier this year. The title of the book is hard to translate into English —it’s something like Get It Out of Your Head. Staglianó explained that his book tries to warn the reader not only to keep the phone away from the brain but also to reject the “fake reassurances” from parts of the scientific community that there are no health risks.
Indeed, it’s easy to see the decision as a battle between ICNIRP and ICEMS and their competing views of electromagnetic health hazards. ICNIRP does not recognize any risks associated with long-term, chronic exposures

April 2017: Case Number 2: In a POTENTIALLY landmark case, an Italian court has ruled that excessive, work-related use of a mobile phone caused an executive to develop a benign brain tumour. “I started to have the feeling of my right ear being blocked all the time and the tumour was diagnosed in 2010. Happily, it was benign but I can no longer hear anything because they had to remove my acoustic nerve.” A medical expert estimated the damage to Romeo at 23 per cent of his bodily function, prompting the judge to make a compensation award of 500 euros per month to be paid by INAIL, a national insurance scheme covering workplace accidents http://www.news.com.au/technology/gadgets/mobile-phones/landmark-case-ruled-excessive-workrelated-use-of-a-phone-caused-brain-tumour/news-story/c1c767e0f88ef2473be2f6b5d9500af2
Italy: The Court of Ivrea: “Misuse of the Cell Phone Caused a Tumor” The lawyer, Bertone, explains: “With the case of Ivrea, it is the first time ever that the Italian justice system recognizes the plausibility of the oncogenic effect of electromagnetic waves of mobile phones, an effect already recognized by the IARC since 2011. Previously, in Italy and with the assistance of Padua APPLE (Association for the prevention and fight against electrosmog), it had been pronounced by the court of appeals in Brescia in 2009 and the District Court in Brescia in 2012.”

The expertise: the law firm has worked with APPLE since the establishment of the neurinomi.info site, a site dedicated to those who have developed a pathology of the eighth cranial nerve. The vice president of the Padua association is Professor Angelo Gino Levis who is professor of environmental mutagenesis at the University of Padua and was one of the legal advisers who have been following the case. Concerning the technical advice, Professor Levis has written: “I have no doubt in believing the high probability (qualified probability) criterion that claims the causal or at least concausal link required by current legislation between the development of an ipsilateral acoustic neurinoma suffered by Mr. Roberto Romeo and professional exposure to radiofrequencies from mobile telephones (cellular and cordless, analog and digital), which he usually used four hours a day for at least 15 years and more than 12,000 hours overall. ” According to the professor, “The data presented in this study show that the risk of incidence of ipsilateral acoustic neuromas more than doubled in cellular and cordless users after 10 years of use, with an exposure time ranging from 16 to 32 minutes per day for a total of at least 1000-2000 hours overall, values which were largely exceeded in the case in question.”


Also see; Landmark Case: First Court Worldwide to Recognize Causal Link Between Cellphone Use and Brain Tumor
The Italian Court of Ivrea rules telecom employee to be paid lifetimes damages for brain tumor developed after heavy cell phone use.

Landmark Italian Court Ruling Recognizes Causal Link Between Cellphone Use and Brain Tumor

‘The Codacons consumer protection agency says it is considering a class-action based on the Romeo decision to have cellphones carry health warnings in Italy, and also to have the health risks associated with cellphone use recognized generally by Italy’s social security agency.’ Italian court finds link between cell phone use and tumour. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/apr/20/italian-court-finds-link-between-cell-phone-use-an/

April 2017 Third Case: Florence: Now 3rd award in Italy for neuroma. After 10 years of cellphone use. 2nd for acoustic neuroma. This time in Florence. Damage to cell phone use: (Google Translation) https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=it&tl=en&u=http://www.corriere.it/cronache/17_aprile_24/danni-uso-cellulare-un-altra-sentenza-firenze-56a2eac4-2922-11e7-a532-a1780cddea55.shtml
Inail condemned to compensate a worker suffering from neurons: he used the phone for 2-3 hours a day for 10 years. Expertise speaks of “high probability between cell phone use and malignant disease”After the court in Ivrea, also in Florence, he recognized the connection between the incorrect use of the cell phone and the onset of an acute nerve disease. Advocate Paolo Maresca told him that, with his colleague Dario Zangara, he defended the sick worker. The Tribunal has in fact condemned Inail, just as in the case of Ivrea, explained the lawyer, to pay a professional sickness allowance to a salesperson who for more than 10 years worked for 2-3 hours Daily on the phone. The perpetrator appointed by the court and the one chosen by the injured worker confirmed, the lawyer noted, “the high probability of a connection between cell phone use and illness,” scientifically defined as a neuron of the eighth cranial nerve. You will now have to wait 60 days to know the reasons for the sentence. © REPRODUCTION RESERVED

Also see; Acoustic Neuroma and Cell Phone Use
Studies that report evidence of increased risk of acoustic neuroma associated with
long-term cell phone use
Nine peer-reviewed studies, including one cohort study, have found evidence that long-term cell phone use is associated with increased risk of acoustic neuroma, a tumor on the nerve from the ear to the brain.http://www.saferemr.com/2017/04/acoustic-neuroma-and-cell-phone-use.html

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