
July 2019
ORSAA`s purpose is to inform consumers on important topics of radiation health and safety. As public awareness increases, so do the number of devices, crystals and pendants claiming to protect users from radiation harm. ORSAA does not recommend or endorse any of these radiation “protection” products.  We advocate for increased awareness of wireless technology and recommend...
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-How supplements are different than your body’s melatonin. -What the research on taking melatonin shows. -Find out if taking melatonin is safe.
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Our July 2019 Newsletter can be viewed at: Photo by OSPAN ALI on Unsplash  
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Magda Havas Citation: J Sci Discov(2019); 3(1):jsd18020; DOI:10.24262/jsd.3.1.18020 Trent School of the Environment, Trent University, 1600 West Bank Drive, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7B8, CANADA A growing number of countries are beginning to acknowledge that electrohypersensitivity (EHS) exists and a few countries have classified it as a disability or a functional impairment attributable to the environment....
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  Information at the link below: Via Dr Magda Havas – the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) now has codes for health effects caused by non-ionizing radiation. This was a request from the 2015 EHS Resolution adopted in Belgium. A major victory for the scientists and activists who attended this conference and for the doctors, lawyers,...
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REVIEW ARTICLE Provisionally accepted.  The full-text will be published soon. Front. Public Health | doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00223 Radiation exposure has long been a concern for the public, policy makers and health researchers. Beginning with radar during World War II, human exposure to radio-frequency radiation (RFR) technologies has grown more than 100,000-fold over time. In 2011, the International Agency...
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Source: July 27, 2019 TEHRAN – Iran and Russia will be cooperating in non-ionizing radiation safety, a division of the nuclear science, according to the outcome of a recent meeting between officials on the two sides. Oleg Grigoryev, the chairman of the Russian Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Committee, on Saturday met with the head of Iran’s...
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Source: Sunday Times 28 Jul 2019 By BOBBY JORDAN Top gun takes aim at Clifton spoiler Lawyer Billy Gundelfinger is accustomed to ugliness in the courtroom, but not jutting into his sea view. The acclaimed attorney, who has represented the likes of Cyril Ramaphosa and Mandla Mandela, is now taking aim at the City of...
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Image:  5G Profit and Power: Telecoms operators will need to optimize electricity consumption in 5G networks to make services pay. The move to 5G could result in increased total network energy consumption of 150-170 percent by 2026. Research suggests most telecommunications professionals think that 5G is likely to increase telecommunication and mobile operators’ power...
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