
December 2022
In this month’s newsletter: ➼The ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) and 6G ➼China ➼BioEM 2023 ➼Light Pollution ➼5G & satellites ➼Auditory; tinnitus ➼Experts’ Opinions in Radiation and Health: Emerging Issues in the Field ➼Fauna & Flora ➼Adaptive antennas ➼IARC/WHO & ANSES ➼Commercial surveillance Read more at:
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EMFSA: Where the videos are not in English: Click on closed captions; go into settings and change the subtitles. Click on the subtitles, choose auto translate, click on the language you prefer. Note to turn on the subtitles first before you can change the translations. Opening Benoît Vallet, Director general of ANSES Elisabete Weiderpass, IARC...
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The newsletter can be downloaded from: EMFSA pdf:
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