
By Grace Macaskill https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/top-mobile-phone-firms-warning-12637044 20:33, 2 JUN 2018 Updated20:38, 2 JUN 2018 Companies including Blackberry, EE, Nokia and Vodafone have told investors they could face legal action from device users if research eventually finds links between their products and cancer. Top mobile firms are warning ­shareholders about the potential health risks of phones but keeping...
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Credit for this post: Towards Better Health  http://mieuxprevenir.blogspot.co.za/2018/04/france-orange-recalls-cell-phone.html Orange recalls a phone emitting too much radiation by Benjamin Douriez, 60millions-mag, 4 April 2018 (translation) The operator is exchanging the Hapi 30 cell phone whose SAR exceeds the level authorized. Other models could follow. This is an unprecedented situation. A mobile phone is currently being recalled because...
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16th February 2018 Dr Marc Arazi After more than seven months of waiting, a reply was received on February 12, to the letters of June 19, 2017 and January 5, 2018 addressed to Nicolas Hulot, Minister of State and Minister of the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, and Agnès Buzyn, Minister of Solidarity and Health.  It was...
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by Marc Arazi, arazi.fr,  http://arazi.fr/ 30 November 2017.  Translated from French by the authors of ‘Towards Better Health’ http://mieuxprevenir.blogspot.co.za/2017/11/phonegate-initial-response-from-us-food.html As part of its ongoing support for the health and industrial scandal of Phonegate, the American organization, Environmental Health Trust (EHTrust), chaired by Dr. Devra Davis, wished to engage the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) https://www.fda.gov/  on...
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By Marc Arazi, Published: October 20, 2017 George Carlo: “I had the pleasure of meeting with Dr Arazi here today here in Paris to discuss his findings in the Phonegate project.This is critically important for everyone using cell phones because we have evidence that phones that are used every day violate the safety standards that...
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Phonegate: Press release, 16 October 2016 by Dr Marc Arazi As a result of lax and imprecise international standards, hundreds of millions of users of mobile phones that have been placed on the market over the past twenty years are subjected to radiation levels in contact with the body, for some phones, more than three...
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