Utilities Sue FCC Over 6 GHz Order

Source: https://www.multichannel.com/news/utilities-sue-fcc-over-6-ghz-order#:~:text=The%20Utilities%20Technology%20Council%20has,the%20entire%206%20GHz%20band.&text=Electric%20utilities%2D%2Dand%20broadcast,from%20unlicensed%20broadband%20access%20devices.


The Utilities Technology Council has joined broadcasters in suing the FCC over its decision to allow unlicensed use in the entire 6 GHz band. 

“The Federal Communications Commission acted unlawfully and against the public interest when it permitted a host of new users into a vital spectrum band that will likely cause communications challenges for public safety and critical-infrastructure industries,” the council told the court in its petition. 

Electric utilities–and broadcast news gatherers–use the band and are concerned about interference from unlicensed broadband access devices. 

The council wants the court to: 

(1) “Hold that the FCC’s rules in the Report and Order unlawfully authorize unlicensed low power indoor operations without sufficient safeguards to prevent harmful interference to licensed operations; 

(2) “Hold that the FCC was arbitrary and capricious in failing to adequately consider studies on the record that show that unlicensed operations will cause harmful interference to licensed systems; 

(3) “Vacate those portions of the Report and Order the Court finds to be arbitrary and capricious or otherwise unlawful or defective; 

(4) “Remand to the FCC for proceedings consistent with the Court’s findings…” 

Read more at: https://www.multichannel.com/news/utilities-sue-fcc-over-6-ghz-order#:~:text=The%20Utilities%20Technology%20Council%20has,the%20entire%206%20GHz%20band.&text=Electric%20utilities%2D%2Dand%20broadcast,from%20unlicensed%20broadband%20access%20devices.

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