Reinventing Wires:The Future of Landlines and Networks.

Audio of program at the Commonwealth Club of Califormia – from Reinventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks held on

There is an information vacuum among government, media and the public about the relative role of wired communications and the reasons hard wires, such a copper cable and optical fiber, usually offer better telecommunications options. From the perspective of public investment, health and ecosystem impacts, and energy efficiency, a strong case can be made that hard wiring is preferable to wireless, yet few understand this. Instead, we seem to believe there is innate value to championing wireless over wired technologies, obsessing about how we can get and pay for more of it without first doing comprehensive cost–benefit analysis or understanding the risks. This program will feature a report by the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy, Reinventing Wires—The Future of Landlines and Networks by Timothy Schoechle.


Timothy Schoechle, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow, National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy
Martin Pall, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University
Jim Turner, Esq.
Partner, Swankin & Turner
Duncan Campbell, Esq.
Radio Host, “Living Dialogues”

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