New Survey of Consumer Sentiments Reveals Sharp Demographic Divisions in 5G Technology Acceptance


Given that about 81% of Americans now own smartphones and that more than half will only access the internet via mobile connections by 2025, one might assume that 5G technology would be strongly supported and embraced in the United States. A new study of consumer sentiments paints a more complicated picture.

Though there is widespread awareness of 5G, acceptance of and perception of it have some strong divisions along age lines. Older internet users are more likely to be unaware of it, and are also more likely to resist adopting it.

Consumer sentiments toward 5G: Substantial acceptance, but with notable reservations

The study of consumer sentiments was conducted by SYKES of Tampa, Florida. It focused on the responses of generational groups: Baby Boomers (age 55+), Generation X (age 35-54), Millennials (25-34) and Generation Z (under 25).


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