Highways England boss Jim O’Sullivan stands down amid smart motorways furore

Graeme Paton, Transport Correspondent Saturday August 22 2020

The boss of Highways England is to stand down after criticism over the smart motorway policy.

Jim O’Sullivan, one of the country’s highest paid transport officials, will leave the state-funded company responsible for operating England’s motorways early next year.

The move follows a turbulent 12 months at the organisation, which has been at the centre of a row over the roll-out of smart motorways, routes where the hard shoulder has been removed to create extra capacity.


Mr O’Sullivan, who was paid £456,727 in 2018-19, a rise of 13.5 per cent in 12 months, repeatedly pointed to Highways England data showing that the safety record of smart roads was better than conventional routes.

However, public confidence in the system was heavily dented after a series of high-profile deaths, including of drivers who broke down without being able to reach a lay-by.

Read more at: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/highways-england-boss-jim-osullivan-stands-down-amid-smart-motorways-furore-ckz9mz2cs?fbclid=IwAR2HiinWyYdBh5QCZG-7yhklcZgIO9vgDu7wAUWPfjma8QLBMIwmNY7_p1A#

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