France: Ministries of Solidarity, Health and Transition-the fourth national environmental health plan (PNSE4)

Auto translated from French. Extract only. Original article

The PNSE4 Project

Axis 2 – Reducing environmental exposure affecting our health

From 10/21/2020 to 12/10/2020

Reducing environmental exposures affecting our health is a permanent priority, given the large and growing number of pathologies caused by the degradation of our environment. This new national health and environment plan aims to act to reduce exposure deemed to be a priority (electromagnetic waves, blue light, soil pollution, harmful species, legionella, nanomaterials, indoor air pollution, noise).

Measures of axis 2

Action 7: Reduce exposure to electromagnetic waves (including 5G) and improve knowledge of health impacts
Offer an educational application, OpenBarres, allowing everyone to adapt the right actions when using a mobile phone to limit their exposure to waves. For 5G, the State will take all the necessary precautions to ensure deployment under conditions providing the best level of safety, taking into account the recommendations issued by ANSES.

Action 8: Prevent the risks associated with blue light
Distribute educational materials for the general public to protect children from too much exposure to blue-colored lights, limit the marketing of products at risk for the general public in France and defend the reduction of exposure limit values ​​at European level.


The PNSE4 aims to enable each of our fellow citizens to be active in their environment and their health, that is to say to better understand and better understand the risks to which they are exposed in order to be able to act to reduce its exposure. A look back at its operation and its challenges:

Citizens’ expectations on environmental health issues are increasingly strong. According to the IRSN 2019 barometer on the perception of risks and safety by the French, concerns related to environmental degradation concern one in three French people. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic is a reminder of the close links between human health, animal health and the environment. To meet these challenges and citizens’ expectations, the Ministries of Solidarity and Health, and of Ecological Transition are launching the fourth national environmental health project (PNSE4).

Why a national environmental health plan?

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 23% of deaths and 25% of chronic pathologies worldwide can be attributed to environmental and behavioral factors (indoor and outdoor air quality, water quality, power, exposure to chemicals, waves, noise, etc.).

In Europe, France is one of the states most committed to environmental health with three successive national environmental health plans since 2004. The PNSE aims to act on our environment and our health by limiting exposure and the risks involved, by informing and sensitizing populations, including the most vulnerable. It also aims to better understand our environment and the links with our health through research.

What is the ambition of the fourth environmental health plan?

Environmental health is everyone’s business. The fourth national environmental health plan has one ambition: to better understand the risks to which everyone is exposed in order to better protect themselves. Based on the “One world, one health” approach, it should allow everyone, citizen, elected representative, professional, researcher, to act for an environment favorable to our health.

The lessons of the health crisis, specifically the awareness of the interactions between human, animal and environmental health, have accompanied the development of this new plan. Citizen expectations are also at the heart of this plan: noise pollution, deployment of 5G, pest control, indoor air quality in sensitive establishments, etc.

It comprises 19 actions and pursues 4 priority objectives:
Find out about the state of your environment and the right actions to adopt;

PNSE4: what are the challenges?

From 10/21/2020 to 12/10/2020

•Find out about the state of your environment and the right actions to adopt;

•Reduce environmental exposures affecting our health;

•Multiply the concrete actions carried out in the territories, by mobilizing communities;

•Better understand exposure and the effects of the environment on the health of populations, by developing research efforts in health and environment.

Read the complete article:

rom 10/21/2020 to 12/10/2020

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