
Smart Cities
Source: https://www.govtech.com/sponsored/smart-cities-security-concerns-and-safety-issues-5g-mec-and-security-risks Smart cities could transform urban living for the better. However, in order to mitigate the risks of cyber threats that can be exacerbated by inadequately secured and mobile edge computing (MEC) technologies, government officials should be aware of smart cities security concerns associated with their supporting infrastructure. September 24, 2021 • Verizon What is a...
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Source https://www.telecomtv.com/content/5g/shedding-light-on-5g-street-furniture-42145/ By Ray Le Maistre, Aug 6, 2021 Network operators will need to densify their 5G networks‘Street furniture’ such as light poles will play a key roleEarly examples are already operationalRegulators, cities and vendors are working to make deployments possible As mobile operators densify their radio access networks to put 5G’s capabilities to their full...
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SPECIAL REPORT: 5G opens the gates for surveillance on steroids https://t.co/S5d2CZ4uhy— Daily Maverick (@dailymaverick) April 6, 2021 By Heidi Swart • 6 April 2021 Heidi Swart is a journalist who reports on surveillance and data privacy. This story was commissioned by the Media Policy and Democracy Project, an initiative of the University of Johannesburg’s Department of...
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Source: https://www.thestar.com/news/atkinsonseries/2021/01/13/smart-city-megaprojects-get-a-lot-of-hype-so-why-do-so-many-turn-out-to-be-expensive-disappointments.html By John Lorinc Atkinson Fellow Wed., Jan. 13, 2021 A languishing brownfield site. A developer’s visions of castles in the sky. Corporate partnerships to build cutting-edge smart city infrastructure. And the promise of luring tech giants prepared to invest billions. The hype could have easily described Sidewalk Labs’ now aborted Toronto venture, but this story...
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In this first episode of City Surveillance Watch, a new limited podcast series, Kate Kaye explores the inherent dichotomy of data-hungry technologies that can be considered forms of surveillance. By Kate Kaye Published  Jan. 11, 2021 When does a smart city become an overly-surveilled city? In this first episode of City Surveillance Watch,a limited podcast series from...
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https://www.sacities.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Smart_Cities_Papers_Volume_1_Final-Draft.pdf Available online at www.sacities.net
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Translated from German, original article at: https://www.dhbw-stuttgart.de/artikel/esof-online-session-zur-zukunftsentwicklung-europaeischer-staedte/ 22.09.2020 The “European Science Open Forum (ESOF)”, one of the largest European conferences on science and politics, took place in Trieste/Italy in early September. The DHBW Stuttgart was represented with an online panel discussion on the topic of “Smart EcoDigital Cities and Regions – Challenges and solutions for...
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Source: https://www.developingtelecoms.com/telecom-business/operator-news/10059-israeli-operators-launch-commercial-5g.html JAMES BARTON 30 SEPTEMBER 2020 Three major Israeli operators have launched commercial 5G services after being issued licences by the country’s government. Israel’s Ministry of Communications (MoC) has awarded the concessions following last month’s auction of 5G-capable spectrum frequencies, in which HOT Mobile and Partner Communications joined forces to acquire a licence, with...
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by jobak17 11 September 2020 Far from absurd conspiracy theories about spreading coronavirus, Jo Baker argues that the rapid and seemingly unstoppable spread of 5G is happening without consultation or due consideration of the economic, environmental and climatic impact of such technologies. 5G infrastructure is currently being rolled out in many of our towns and cities....
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The city council will vote in September on plans to update guidelines, which would provide more oversight and a Privacy Advisory Commission. By Chris Teale Published Aug. 5, 2020 Amid swirling controversies surrounding San Diego’s Smart Streetlights program, including its use to surveil protestors marching against systemic racism, new laws being debated in the city would more strictly...
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