
Equality Act
Source: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/62f3997ed3bf7f5c11330ea3/ua-2022-000328-hs__002_.pdf THE UPPER TRIBUNAL(ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS CHAMBER)UPPER TRIBUNAL CASE NO: UA-2022-000328-HS[2022] UKUT 193 (AAC)EAM V EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCILDecided following an oral hearing on 11 July 2022 The decision is: the local authority must secure that an EHC plan is prepared andmaintained for the child. Excerpt: H. The child is disabled I. The provision of...
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GA/124372 8 JULY 2022 With 161 Votes in Favour, 8 Abstentions, General Assembly Adopts Landmark Resolution Recognizing Clean, Healthy, Sustainable Environment as Human Right With 161 votes in favour and 8 abstentions, the General Assembly adopted a landmark resolution today recognizing the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right and...
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