Taiwan – Consumers put off by high cost of 5G, survey finds

Mon, Aug 24, 2020

A majority of Taiwanese are not inclined to switch to 5G service within the next six months, as most of them are waiting for the cost to drop, an online poll released on Thursday by 1111 Job Bank (111人力銀行) showed.

The nation’s three major telecoms have launched 5G services over the past two months.

The average cost of a monthly data plan is NT$1,399, almost twice the average NT$703 most consumers are prepared to pay, the poll found.

The survey found that 52.8 percent of respondents are not considering applying for 5G service in the near future, with 31 percent of them naming cost as the main deterrent.

People are also not motivated to switch to 5G service, because they think 4G is adequate for their personal use (24.9 percent), they are concerned that 5G base stations might not have enough coverage (21 percent) and the devices they own do not support 5G (18.8 percent), the poll found.

Read more at: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/biz/archives/2020/08/24/2003742174

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