Swisscom 5G installation vandalized, arsonists demand ransom from operators

By Julien Culet Posted: 03/04/2021

Auto-translated, original article:

An installation was damaged near Thun. The arsonists threaten to attack other 5G antennas if the operators do not pay 9 million “for the children”.

A 5G antenna was vandalized in the canton of Bern, in Uttigen, near Thun. The arsonists seriously damaged the installation belonging to Swisscom by setting fire to cables on February 22 in the early morning hours. The fire went out on its own but the facts are very specific, reports the daily “Der Bund”. The firefighters and the police indeed found a paper on the scene that resembles a ransom demand.

The arsonists demand that donations be made by the operators “for children”. They demand 4 million francs from Swisscom, 3 million from Sunrise-UPC and 2 million from Salt. They threaten to attack other installations if the money is not paid. The Bernese cantonal police told our colleagues from the “Bund” that an investigation has been opened to try to find the perpetrators of these acts. In the meantime, the police cannot say more about the letter and whether the threats are to be taken seriously or not.

Very costly damage

Swisscom specifies that it has filed a criminal complaint for the damage of its antenna. The company claims that the amount of damage amounts to more than 30,000 francs. The three operators assure that they will not give in to the threats of these anti-5G blackmailers.


Sunrise-UPC specifies that it records between four and six acts of vandalism per year, which is twice as many as before the introduction of 5G.

Contacted, the Stop5G association says it does not endorse such actions. “No member of our group carries out violent actions, assures Charly Pache, member of the committee of the association. We have chosen the path of dialogue by launching a popular initiative. ” The text, entitled “For a reasonable development of mobile communication”, should be launched soon. It plans to drastically limit emissions of non-ionizing radiation and impose a five-year moratorium on the allocation of new frequencies. Two other similar initiatives are already at the stage of collecting signatures.

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Added note by EMFSA

EMFSA does not condone acts of violence, vandalism and causing damage to telecommunications infrastructure.

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