Is 5G a danger? German Federal Office for Radiation Protection clarifies.

Ist 5G eine Gefahr? Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz klärt auf

Translated from German:

Since Friday, new 5G-enabled mobile phones are expected at the International Consumer Electronics Fair (IFA) in Berlin. The new mobile radio standard links many positive expectations. At the same time, however, concerns about possible health risks are also expressed. In a press release, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection in Salzgitter provides comprehensive information on risks, precautions and the current state of research.
The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) first points out that there is no proof of the health effects of mobile radio below the applicable limit values. This also applies to 5G. In addition: Everyone can take precautions!

Use the phone carefully

As a rule, one is exposed to the radiation of the own mobile phone much stronger than the radiation of surrounding mobile radio base stations. The president of the BfS, Inge Paulini, explains: “Especially in view of increasing data transmission volumes, the own radiation exposure during phoning and surfing should be kept low. Anyone can contribute to this by using their mobile phone prudently. “To minimize one’s own radiation exposure, hands-free kits and headsets can be used, for example. In addition, users should pay attention to a good reception.

Paulini added: “Even though no health effects of mobile phone fields have been proven below the applicable limits, we still recommend taking precautions. Because even if the fifth generation is already launched with 5G, the mobile radio technology is still comparatively young overall. Although the effects of mobile communications have been very well researched overall, the consequences of intensive cell phone use over many decades have not yet been conclusively clarified. Manufacturers should design their devices in such a way that exposures remain as low as possible from the outset.” Further tips on precautionary measures are provided by the Federal Office on its website .

The SAR value: a good indicator

Smartphones and cell phones, which only lead to low exposures under unfavorable conditions, have a low maximum SAR value. SAR stands for “Specific Absorption Rate” and is a measure of the radio frequency energy absorbed by the body tissue when using mobile phones. It is expressed in watts per kilogram. To exclude the health effects of high-frequency fields, this value should not exceed 2 watts per kilogram. Since 5G will initially use frequency ranges that are identical or comparable to those already used for mobile communications, the available research results can largely be transferred to 5G. Also for the first 5G-enabled smartphones, the SAR value from a radiation safety point of view is important.The BfS provides information on its website about the SAR values ​​of the devices available on the market.

Research is still ongoing

Above all, however, the question is still open as to how increasing data volumes and the associated increase in the number of transmitters will affect exposure at the same time as faster data transmission. This is currently being researched by the BfS. Even if details can only be investigated after the networks have been set up, the BfS expects the average exposure of the population as a whole to remain at a low level. BfS also sees a need for 26 gigahertz and above for the higher frequency bands envisaged for use by 5G , In the higher frequencies, the absorption of electromagnetic fields takes place very close to the body surface, which affects the skin and eyes in particular.

The 59th IFA in Berlin will be held this year from 6 to 11 September. With its wide range of products and a large number of innovations, the fair is regarded as the world’s leading trade fair for household electronics and entertainment technology. The BfS informs at its booth in hall 26 about the basics and effects of electromagnetic fields on humans.

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