Dutch government responds to the Health Council’s advice on 5G and health.

Letter to parliament about the government’s response to the Health Council’s advice on 5G and health

State Secretary Keijzer, Minister van Ark, and State Secretary van Veldhoven give a government response to the Health Council’s advice on 5G and Health
September 2, 2020


Health Council’s advice on 5G and health


Health Council of the Netherlands Conclusions https://www.emfsa.co.za/research-and-studies/health-council-of-the-netherlands-5g-and-health-conclusions/

Government’s response – The letter to paliament can be downloaded from the link on this page https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/kamerstukken/2020/11/20/kamerbrief-over-kabinetsreactie-gezondheidsraad-advies-5g-en-gezondheid?fbclid=IwAR1ZGhS0jPHSRsFL74fA

November 20th, 2020

Letter from the Chairman of the Second Chamber

Summary (auto translated)

According to the Health Council it is not indicated or probable that frequencies used for 5G will be harmful to health.

These frequencies have been in use for years for other applications without causing proven health effects.

The cabinet continues to follow the latest scientific results.

More research results are expected in the coming years and the cabinet will give input on more research.

The Kenningsplatform EMV and organisations like RIVM, Gezondheidsraad and GGD play an important advisory role as regards to the science on EMV (EMF).

In the knowledge platform EMV RIVM, TNO, DNV GL, GGD, GHOR Netherlands, Agentschap Telecom and ZonMw work together to interpret and explain science to citizens, professionals, employees and local authorities.

The cabinet is committed to the measuring and monitoring of the strenght of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in the public space to guarantee that the exposure levels remain within the limits.

The available measurements are linked to the antenna register accessible by the public.

Consultation: Amendment to the Frequency Decree 2013 to protect public health against radiofrequency electromagnetic fields https://www.internetconsultatie.nl/emvbesluit?fbclid=IwAR2fKkhCN5oJhKojHun1QfGi1O3yyAxsb00PSjAp_MEe0bbfg9r9gRvOxO0

Consultation data

Publication date20-11-2020
Consultation end date01-01-2021
OrganizationMinistry of Economic Affairs and Climate

The entire decision can be responded to.

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