
Potassium Channels
Cecchetto C, Maschietto M, Boccaccio P, Vassanelli S. Electromagnetic field affects the voltage-dependent potassium channel Kv1.3 [published online ahead of print, 2020 Aug 12]. Electromagn Biol Med. 2020;1-7. doi:10.1080/15368378.2020.1799386 Abstract Purpose: Theoretical and experimental evidences support the hypothesis that Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (ELF-EMF) can modulate voltage-gated channels. In this work we investigated the effect of ELF-EMF...
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Computational biophysicists are not used to making discoveries, says the senior author, so when they cracked the secret of how cells regulate Big Potassium (BK) channels, they thought it must be a computational artifact. But after many simulations and tests, they convinced themselves that they have identified the BK gating mechanism that had eluded science...
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